Together we can make a difference. Someone, or some cause, somewhere, needs your help. Every one person can contribute and make a difference, and it doesn't necessarily have to be financial support. You can help the following organziations, charities and foundations with their specific causes, by just visiting their sites and finding out more information. Enlighten yourself and be the light and the love that the world needs desperately at this time.
Animals & Wildlife |
Environment, Energy and Social |
Disaster Relief & Communinity |
Health & Medicine |
Family & Children |
Communication & Media |
Human Right & Equality |
Science and Research |
Miscellaneous |
PAWS - Progressive Animal Welfare Society
PAWS advocates for animals through the operation of a companion animal shelter, a wildlife center, and an advocacy department.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is an animal rights organization Based in the United States.
The Humane Society of the United States
HSI addresses issues such as inhumane practices and conditions affecting companion and farm animals, illegal trade in wildlife, threats to endangered species, slaughter of marine mammals, and the use of animals in research and testing
World Wildlife Fund
The leader in wildlife conservation and preservation of animal habitats around the world, and protection of Endangered Species. .
Earth Organization
A grass roots international non-profit, conservation and environmental organization, with new solutions, committed to the creative, responsible rehabilitation of Planet Earth and the plant and animal kingdoms.
The Sierra Club
Explore, enjoy and protect the planet. The Sierra Club asks that you join them in their mission to help preserve irreplaceable wildlands, save endangered and threatened wildlife, and protect this fragile environment we call home. You can be sure that your voice will be heard through congressional lobbying and grassroots action on the environmental issues that matter to you most.
Current campaigns on climate, toxics, nuclear, oceans, genetic engineering, global warming and more.
Friends of the earth international
The world's largest grassroots environmental network. They campaign on today's most urgent environmental and social issues.
Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE)
Works to form new links with the research, policy, and grassroots communities to preserve the future of the planet and protect the quality of the environment.
Earth 911
Earth 911 delivers actionable local information on recycling and product stewardship that empowers consumers to act locally, live responsibly and contribute to sustainability.
American Red Cross
The American Red Cross helps prepare communities for emergencies and keep people safe every day thanks to caring people who support our work.
Operation USA
Operation USA helps communities alleviate the effects of disasters, disease and endemic poverty throughout the world by providing privately-funded relief, reconstruction and development aid.
The Salvation Army
Official site contains news, mission statement, disaster relief, historical figures, publications, organizational structure, job opportunities, and more.
Make-A-Wish Foundation
Grants wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses to enrich the human experience.
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Official site for current information on Missing and Exploited Children, search for missing children.
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence is "a grassroots non-profit membership organization working to end violence in our lives.
Children's charities
A List of Various Children's Organizations, Funds and Charities.
WHO | World Health Organization
Publication catalog, media resources, health articles, and current health news. List of upcoming health events, conferences, and summits.
AHHA | American Holistic Health Association
A national clearing house for self-help resources promoting health and well-being. Nonprofit, volunteer organization providing resources and more.
Direct Relief International
Sends shipments of medical equipment and supplies worldwide to help the victims of civil unrest, natural disasters and chronic poverty.
Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
A non-profit public broadcasting television service with 354 member TV stations in the United States,.Support your local Public Broadcasting Service .
International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX)
A global network of 81 non-governmental organisations that promotes and defends the right to freedom of expression.
National Relief Charities (NRC)
Provides program services that benefit Native Americans throughout the United States
The National Coalition for the Homeless
National advocacy organization working to end homelessness. Provides information on homelessness and related issues, local and state resources and more.
The National Labor Committee
Human rights advocacy group focusing on the promotion and defense of workers' rights and on ending labor abuses.
Amnesty International
Working to Protect Human Rights Worldwide. Political Issues and More.
Human Rights Watch
Nonprofit, nongovernmental organization dedicated to the protection of human rights worldwide; investigates and exposes human rights violations and holds abusers accountable.
A coalition of more than 150 humanitarian organizations providing disaster relief, refugee assistance and sustainable development programs worldwide.
Operation Blessing International
Operation Blessing International is non-profit relief organization whose goal is to alleviate poverty and human suffering through various relief programs, and more.
Operation Blessing International
Operation Blessing International is non-profit relief organization whose goal is to alleviate poverty and human suffering through various relief programs, and more.
World Vision International
Christian relief and development organization assisting 70 million people each year in its quest to end poverty, fight hunger and transform lives.
Science Organizations
A list of different Science Organziations in various fields.
The Disclosure Project
A nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems.
Mutual UFO Network - MUFON
One of the oldest and largest UFO investigative organizations. Organization for the The scientific study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity.
Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI)
An international nonprofit scientific research and education organization dedicated to the furtherance of our understanding of extraterrestrial intelligence. .
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. A nonprofit lobbying organization working to legalize marijuana, stop arrests of smokers, provide educational research, legal information, and more.
A list of miscellaneous Organizations by Topic related to The Environment, Energy and Social Issues.
A List of Grassroots Organizations
This is a list of political organizations worldwide that define themselves primarily by their grassroots nature.
The Center for World Indigenous Studies
An independent, non-profit organization; studies and promotes the ideas and knowledge of indigenous peoples and their social, economic and political status.
New Age Organizations
Religious and Spiritual Organizations.
Disaster Relief Agencies
Disaster Relief Agencies and Nongovernment Organizations involved in Disaster Relief, humanitarian response, disaster service and assistance.
FISU ? Foundation For International Spiritual Unfoldment
The home for Spiritual Seekers from around the globe. Courses and lectures teaching meditation and related spiritual practices in order to find communion with our inner spirit.