Do you have a personal experience with the 11:11 or the number 11 in your life? Use the form below to share your unique 11:11 experiences, stories, and inspirational messages. Let the world know what the Eleven-Eleven and other number synchronicities mean to you. Your Experience will be added to the Experiences section.
*Your 11:11 experience, along with your location and name (if included) will be posted in the Experiences section after it is received. All submissions are added to this page manually after review, so it may take a few days before it will appear. Including your state/country is appreciated so that everyone can see how the 11:11 is a worldwide phenomenon.
11:11 Experiences Share Your Own 11:11 Experience The Eleven-Eleven Phenomenon Interesting Things About the Number "11" Numerology and Numbers Coincidence and Synchronicity Earth Changes, 2012 and the Ascension Cosmic Beings - Lightworkers, Starseeds and indigosmallers The Spirit Realm