"The placement of the celestial bodies in the heavens at any given moment in time reflects the nature of that moment, including the nature of an individual born in that moment."
Astrology would not play a major role in the west until around A.D 1200 when Arabic writings and many lost astrological works made their way back into Europe and once again this science began to have an influence. What we know as modern western astrology began to take shape at this time. Astrology even became embodied in the Kabbalistic lore of Jews and Christians and through these and other channels came to be the substance of the astrology of the Middle Ages. Various figures in the church such as St. Thomas Aquinas(1225 - 1274) also added to the legitimacy of astrology at this time. As the Renaissance period emerged astrology flourished once again. In the late 1400's and early 1500's many Catholic popes and princes of Italy frequently used astrology. Even Queen Elizabeth the I consulted a personal astrologer.
During the age of Enlightenment during the 17th century, use of astrology began to decline and was again linked to superstition and the occult. In 1781 Sr William Herschel discovered a new planet which was eventually named Uranus. This new planet actually began to shed more light onto the astrological data that already existed and this ancient science started to fall more into place. Later on astrology also easily accommodated for the discovery of Neptune in 1846, and Pluto in 1930. After the founding of the Theosophical society in 1875 by Madame Helena Blavatsky, astrology made yet another full comeback. Many prominent astrologers of the time were active in the society which focused on intellectual interest of astrology, religious studies and investigations into the unexplained law of nature.
In 1914 a British astrologer named Alan Leo published an influential magazine titled The Astrologer's Magazine" (later renamed Modern Astrology). Evangeline Adams was also noted to be the first American Astrologer who had a very popular radio program on astrology in the 1930's. During World War II Nazi leaders even began to use astrology for negative propaganda purposes. Nancy Reagan regularly consulted with a personal astrologer to gain advice concerning herself and her husband Ronald Reagan during his presidency. The value of an astrologer as a personal counselor and supporter is still an important use of astrology to this day.
The Astrology of today is less focused on the attempt to predict events, and more on the use of astrology for personal growth. Through personal guidance, self-discovery, realizing one’s true potential, and learning to resolve conflicts, one can can embrace the spiritual side of astrology. As we shift into the new age of Aquarius, Astrology will continue to play an important role in the spiritual development of the self, bringing awareness of the soul, and helping us to understand the world around us.
The History and Origins of Astrology
The Origins of Eastern Astrology
The Origins of Western Astrology
[The Origins of Modern Astrology]
Astrology and Astronomy