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The Presence Of A Higher Power
I see 111 and 1111 every where. It
began years ago. I read it is a
higher power trying to get your
numbers.. numbers are everywhere. I
just found out that I am a 7 life
path in numerology. This actually
describes me to a T! And I had
absolutely no control over it...
111 X 111 = 12321 a summit made
from numbers.
What does it all mean? I don't
quite know yet, but I think it
might be a higher power reaching out..
The 1st time I started seeing it
was after a vicious night terror of
the end of the world.. weird
Location:WI USA
A Time For Love Beyond The Veil
My freshmen year of high school, 4 years
ago, I fell in love with who turned out to
be my for the next two years. We were
madly in love with each other. She
introduced meto 11:11; she would text
me how much she loved me and to make
a wish. I always just went along with it
because it was her favorite number, etc.
Two years into our relationship, we went
out with some friends. 10 minutes after
we left my house, the person who was
driving caused an accident in which I
broke my back, ribs, suffered internal
bleeding and a severe concussion. My
first love was pronounced dead after I
preformed CPR for several minutes until
the ambulance arrived. This is when the
weird parts come in: my hospital room
was 1023, which just so happened to our
anniversary. She was pronounced dead at
11:11. For the past two years, these
unexplainable urges to look at clocks has
been following me. Each time, the click
reads 1111 or 1023. Is my girlfriend trying
to contact me? Is there anything I can do?
Thank you for your time...
Location:NV, USA
Time For A Gift
One day I was parking my car down
town and I was buying a parking
pass. After I bought the pass and
rolled down my window to put it on
my dash I noticed I bought it @
11:11am and my time would run out
@ 1:11pm. Wow. This happened on
my birthday. What a gift!
Location:Md, USA
A Positive Message
I have started seeing 11:11 for
over two years...I also feel like
someone or something is trying to
make me acknowledge a message of
some kind....or maybe not.. anyway
I hope to continue seeing these
numbers and maybe something
positive will come out of all the
11:11 experiences.
Great Changes Felt From Within
I've been seeing 11:11, 1:11, 111
for about 3 years now. I see it
everywhere, on watches, computers,
digital clocks, license plates,
receipts, page numbers. I see it as
often as 6 or 7 times a day, It's an
"in your face" type of thing. I don't
seek it, it's just always there. I
feel a strong pull in my solar plexus
when I see this number and I feel the
great change about to come.
A Sweet Time
Ever since I was little, I
would stop what I was doing and
gaze at the clock for no reason. I
would just stare at the numbers
11:11. It's been very strange and
mystical to me. Then just today I
find people with the same "focus"
as myself. I call 11:11 my "sweet
spot" in times of life.
Location:Texas, USA
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11:11 Experiences Share Your Own 11:11 Experience The Eleven-Eleven Phenomenon Interesting Things About the Number "11" Numerology and Numbers Coincidence and Synchronicity Earth Changes, 2012 and the Ascension Cosmic Beings - Lightworkers, Starseeds and indigosmallers The Spirit Realm